What a sad day

I want to assure everyone that we are OK.

This has been really a scary experience…. our building is usually quite well absorbing small quakes and tremors… not today.
In fact today I planned the photoshoot for new designs and was getting ready with my make up and dressing while I felt shaking and then doors started swaying.. then all of my apartment, cabinets with glass in them started rattling, shelves, things that just laid were places there fell out on the floor and my poor cat just hid in a closet and simply won’t budge when I tried to grab him and go downstairs just to wait the worst of it out..
Since the biggest earthquake at around 3pm, we’ve had over 30 aftershocks and all 5-6+ scale.. what one can do.. wait out the worst… I am really far from the coast so we are safe on Tsunami front and live on a 5th floor.

My heart goes out to all the victim families and areas that are affected by tsunami..death toll is rising and so many are still missing.. I guess Japan will deal with the rest of it in the morning… for now.. just prayers.

25 Responses to “What a sad day”

  1. Ann says:

    Following CNN and BBC World, we think of all japaneese people and people all over the world affected of this catastrophe.
    Take care!

  2. Rach says:

    I agree that it is a very sad day, but I wanted so say thanks for the post. We’re glad to know that you’re ok.

  3. Mia says:

    Was worried aobut you when I heard this. Happy to hear you are okay. And has he come out of hte closet yet> He needs some cuddle time with his mommy

  4. hannabirke says:

    thank you for letting us know you are okay. will be thinking of you.

  5. Tina says:

    Good to read that you guys are okay 🙂 because what I see on Tv is terrifying!!

  6. Gypsygirl says:

    Glad to know you are safe….hugs to you.

  7. Very glad to hear you’re ok. Stay safe.

  8. magi says:

    Glad to hear you’re OK but so sad for Japan. Thanks for posting this. Take care and all the best.

  9. knitus says:

    My heart goes out to all the people of Japan. What a terrible tragedy! I hope the authorities are acting quickly and providing all the humanitarian help! I am glad to hear that you are OK.

  10. fluffbuff says:

    Oh, Olga, I am glad you are OK and don’t have to worry about the tsunami. It has to be really scary now living in Japan.

  11. Romi says:

    *So* happy to hear you’re ok! Thinking of you. Thank you for posting! xox

  12. YarnSnob says:

    Heard the sad news about the earthquake, my heart goes out to all those affected. Glad to hear you are all ok, be safe xx

  13. Rita says:

    What a day! Son’s house on California coast now safe but house sitter had to evacuate with the two cats. Thanks for letting us know that you are safe. Prayers go out for those less fortunate.

  14. soknitpicky says:

    Oh, Olga. Glad You are safe. My heart goes out to everyone touched by this. Take care!

  15. Fran says:

    So glad to know you are safe – thanks for letting us know – we are thinking of you.

  16. crafty pam says:

    Glad you are OK, another sad day in the world. Take care

  17. cecilia says:

    you know in italy we’re accostumed to earthquakes (i don’t know if you experiment this while you lived here), but nothing like that – my god – nothing like that.
    strange world – you were the first person i thought about when i knew what happened, but now let’s pray, if we’re still able to, for the other consequences.

    un abbraccio

  18. Dyer says:

    thanks for letting us know you are okay. What a sad time for Japan and the world

  19. Ludmilla says:

    Thanks for letting everyone know!

    Been watching the documentaries
    and hoping japanese people survive this terrible disaster.


  20. Mary Jo says:

    Glad you are okay. Praying for Japan.

  21. Linda says:

    I am glad you are safe but so heartbroken for all the Japanese involved. xx

  22. lorrwill says:

    Thanks very much for this post. This has been a horrific tragedy and my heart goes out to the people of Japan and all those affected by it everywhere.

  23. Connie Chang says:

    Take care, Olga. I’m glad you and your family are okay.

  24. Adams Hill says:

    I am so glad you are safe, Olga. It must be terrifying. Everyone in Japan will be in our thoughts.

  25. Rini says:

    I cannot believe the aftershocks were so strong that far away- I can only imagine how terrifying it was in Sendai. I am glad you are all safe!

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