As we got some chill in the air last week here… some of you may have noticed that on a sidebar I have a new feature now. Recently, I have paired up with Knit-a-gogo Company (and its owner Danielle Romanetti) along some other teachers to offer classes in Greater Washington DC Area. What does this mean? “Creme de la creme” of classes in the area!
I have a list of classes being offered in various locations, some in DC and most of them at Knit Happens yarn store at historic Old Town Alexandria, VA. I am thrilled about these because they have been handpicked and thought over numerous days: for what knitters out there like to learn these days and what is really we can teach not to bore you! I haven’t mentioned it before, but by training I am a teacher of English, so teaching is not something new to me.
Knitting, crochet, broomstick lace, entrelac, jewelry, fair isle, intarsia as well as runway knitting… I do take pleasure if sharing the tricks of the ancient craft with others if you are willing to learn or just curious! Afterall discovering something new to yourself is an intimate moment of celebration, no matter how big or small your achievement is, it would always keep you hungry for trying out more exciting things!
Runway knitting , Fair Isle , Entrelac Bag Classes previews…
You can easily sign up for either of these and many more on Knit-a-gogo website
Also there is a following of Knit-a-gogo Groupies on Ravelry.
Danielle has made it possible for knitters not only hang around learning and knitting at your favourite cafe or restaurant, but she is the best “go to person” if you want to have a knitterly party/shower/retreat!!!
To let you know I am also available for private tutoring in the area, please inquire through the email on the sidebar.
On the knitting news for me.. 6 projects at the same time is not challenging enough I thought.. I didn’t even sing up for Ravelympic… so I have pulled this Labor Day weekend to finish up some of them, make them or break (frog) them, but I do owe some new photos of some… it feels with the first day of Fall my needles should switch into the Turbo mode and stop procrastinating!..
Please, let some force give me patience and more hours of the week!
Hope you finished up some of your UFO’s. The class for the runway knits looks so cool. Hope you get lots of poeple signing up. I know I would if I was in the area.
How exciting! I wish I lived closer to DC so I could take a class
Oh, waaah! I used to live in Baltimore. Where were you then?
if i lived any closer i would be first in line for your runway knits class! glad you are doing this.
I wouldn’t expect anything less. Too bad I live so far away…maybe, someday!