It took me a while to get back to drawing winners, please forgive me because I got 9 lbs of yarn last month and have started working on a new exciting collection. While it’s already under way I thought it’s about time to have some joyful news announced:
Congratulations to Brigi who won an entire set of 8 Shibui Geometry patterns of the collection!
Congratulations are also in order to Gyorgyi, Lisa (ElloKnits) and Leigh Forsstrom – you each won a copy of Hypotenuse cowl pattern!
Please send me a PM on ravelry (my id is olgajazzy) or email with your snail mail information.
Thank you all for participating and remember there are more exciting patterns and giveaways coming ahead!
Congratulations and Happy Knitting!

Ohhhh, I miss the giveaway, but I am waiting for hypotenuse!!!!;D